An Authoritarian System of Authorisation to Replace a Democratic Freedom


BRUT 4th December 2020

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For Macron to keep his head held high, the government are working on a system of authorisation to corral home education.

The parliamentarian writing the law appreciate this.

It’s almost Sarkozy. News is diffused, a law is made. Or rather, when deal with an exception, we change the rule. In this manner the head of state pulled the same scenario out of his hat on Friday during a live broadcast on the BRUT news channel (at 1hr 05mins). He speaks of little girls veiled from head to toe, educated collectively, while being home education registered. We are asked to take his word on the matter and specifically believe his comments that the current legal regulations on home education would be incapable of handling such a situation. The republic is in danger and legislation urgently required.

Except that this is untrue.

Children registered as home educated are among the most regulated in France. Firstly they are subject to a double registration each year; with both the local town hall and also the Education Department. Then there are assessments of their progression at least once every year. Not to forget that it is strictly forbidden for families having chosen this mode of education to form groups to educate their children. These are called de facto schools. This act is prohibited by article L131-5 of the Education Code and punishable by the Penal Code article 441-7 with a one year prison term and a 15,000 € fine.

Blanquer to the Rescue.

Obviously the way to combat separatism is not through banning home education. This is a smoke screen created to convince public opinion that the government have a strong grip when dealing with terrorism. In passing, a doubt is insinuated over Muslims and Islamic Extremists, in order to feed right wing voters. On the political field collateral damage does not matter, a mere 25,000 minors affected even without counting the phantoms of the republic. The government does not care.

The opinion of the Conseil d’État on the bill to combat separatism remained very discrete on Thursday evening to the extent of fleeing during the week and warning the government of the ineptitude of this prohibitive measure. The Conseil d’État will give their final opinion on Monday the 7th of December 2020. Then we shall see whether the Conseil d’État is still a guarantor of our institutions. The foot soldier Blanquer, Doctor of Constitutional Law, who has known from the beginning that the proposed measure is unconstitutional, was call upon during the 16 hour deliberation at the Palais Royal, to save the day for Emmanuel Macron. To try to avoid a major political setback. Macron himself said that Blanquer: “He has been (working) with the Conseil d’Ètat and will continue with the parliamentarians”. His task is to “anticipate the real exceptions which correspond to the situations which people are living”. With a miserly hand, he will reinvent educational freedom.

The Inspectors of the Academy Against this Project

In any case, he will need to be inspired, as the arguments to defend this freedom which, according to Blanquer are based “on a strong constitutional foundation”, 58 mins, find the unexpected support of the Inspectors of the Academy. The revue du syndicat fine tooth comb the measure declared by Macron from pages 7-10 in the best possible way. Inspectors of the Academy who could not have been suspected of being pro home education, invite the president to show proof of subtlety and reflection. And to avoid the amalgamation of home educating families and radicalisation. The Human Rights League could not have said it better. This unwavering guardian of fundamental freedoms, spoke out clearly in favour of educational freedom of choice. If the madness of banning home education passed the vote of parliamentarians from both chambers, without referral to the Constitutional Council, the Human Rights League, reserves the right, as do we, to call on that noble institution. Even if it means offending Macron’s certitude.

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