Project of Law to “Respect the Principals of the Republic” and restrict the freedom of home education: the home education associations demand a moratorium


Published on the 5th Januar 2021 Download pdf In France, as in numerous other democracies, education is compulsory, not schooling1. Beginning the 18 January 2021 in a special commission of the National Assembly, the bill to “Reinforce the Respect of the Principals of the Republic” retains, in Article 21, the principle of compulsory schooling for...

Home Education: an Inadequate, Inconsistent and Insulting Impact Study


16.12.20 by LED’A Download pdf “Insufficient” warned the Conseil d’Etat. The Impact Study of the project of law to ban home education is filled with empty words and outdated concepts under the guise of being in the best interests of the child…to confine them up for their own good. The association LED’A (Les Enfants d’Abord...

"Home Education: an Inadequate, Inconsistent and Insulting Impact Study"Continuer la lecture

Progetto di legge confortante il rispetto dei principi repubblicani (articolo 21): bisogna salvare l’educazione parentale!


14th December 2020 Scarica il pdf L’articolo 21 del progetto di legge confortante il rispetto dei principi repubblicani punta a sopprimere la libera scelta d’una delle modalità d’istruzione: quella familiare. Questa restrizione della libertà senza fondamento oggettivo é contraria ai diritti fondamentali. Riassunto (Punti chiave) della posizione comune In Francia l’istruzione é obbligatoria, non la...

"Progetto di legge confortante il rispetto dei principi repubblicani (articolo 21): bisogna salvare l’educazione parentale!"Continuer la lecture

Bill to Uphold the Principals of the Republic (Article 21): Home Education Must be Saved.


14th December 2020 Download pdf Article 21 of the bill to uphold the principals of the republic aims to eradicate the liberty to choose one of the modalities of educational freedom: Home Education. This objectively unfounded restriction of freedom is contrary to fundamental rights. Summary (Key Points) of the Shared Position. In France education is...

Home Education and Numbers Pulled from Nowhere: The Separatist Loto


9th December 2020 Download pdf Regardless of the life choices concerning home educated children we must, now more than ever, save the soldier Macron from any political setback. Defamation, defamation and still there’s more. Yesterday in Le Monde, Castex said, “In French law, the principal is compulsory schooling, a principal with assorted exceptions”. The Prime...

"Home Education and Numbers Pulled from Nowhere: The Separatist Loto"Continuer la lecture

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