Published the 3 décembre 2020 by Actions politiques
The project of law to ban home education in France has not yet been presented to the ‘Conseil des Ministres’ and families are already having their declaration to home educate refused. Almost as though the freedom of home education is already subject to a system of authorisation.
In Calvados there is no need to be burdened by the Education Code in order to deny families who declare their wish to educate their children beyond a school structure. Rather an almost acrobatic interpretation of the law is made. Thus the services of the National Department of Education are already proposing a recommendation which would necessitate a declaration being made at the beginning of the school year in order to better refuse a declaration dating from November. Firstly this circulaire of the 26th of December 2011 was repealed on the 10th April 2017. Secondly, a circular is never more than a memo which is not intended to be binding for the population but rather for the employees of the administration. It is meant to explain a law to them, not rewrite one. It simply does not have this power.
Specifically the article cited from the Education Code 131-5, speaks for itself. The double declaration of the town hall and the National Education Department are « formalities which should be carried out within eight days following any change of residence or choice of education”. End of drum roll.
This drift or rather shift is worrying to say the least. What is hidden behind this zealous fever of the departmental services of the National Education Department which seeks to obstruct home education? The desire to please the president, who decreed the end of freedom of educational choice? Should this be seen as a widespread practice of using the apparatus of the state for partisan purposes as in the article of the Liberation denouncing the creation of a false union to aid the reforms of Minister Blanquer (Education Minister). ).
Lost at Every Level
The totem of ‘School for All’ stirs even Mélenchon who in October declared: “I am hostile to home education. Teaching should occur in school. There is one complex case, not very widespread, that is known as ‘School Phobia’ which poses a question.” School Phobia or School Refusal indeed concerns only between 2% and 5% of school attendance age and who are treated for this malaise. This amounts to between 240,000 and 600,000 children. A mere handful.
Added to or combined with the 700,000 children victims of bullying . A beautiful Republican success.
Therefore since the school of the republic exists everything should be sacrificed for it and a blank check signed on the mental health of our children. We are not resigned to this, we who have chosen to accept responsibility of the education of our children in a setting which respects their rhythm, their interests and personality. This freedom seems to frighten those who dream of controlling and assessing individuals up until the age of apprenticeship. We will be the rebellious ones if need be. We are already the rebels of the republic marching in line.
The End of the Old World
Why so much distance between the complex thought of Macron and that of a man who claims to be the republic in his own right. Are the public schools aflame? If you believe the survey, , parents judge Blanquer’s way of dealing with the health crisis very harshly. As a matter of fact, many of them have chosen to home educate from the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year. Other parents, unable to bear having their children forced to spend their days masked, made the same choice with advent of the second period of confinement. This explains the decision, as spectaculaire as it was disproportionate, to ban home education in 2021. Remember it is not yet law!
The signs of this mass movement are numerous: the Vademecum (a document explaining home education regulations) of the National Education Department, in the flurry of the presidential declaration of the 2nd of October, already stated that home education was no longer possible, before quietly erasing the error from this document during an update in November.
Are the ‘Old School’ afraid of the ‘Start-Up’ of home education? Home education is, until proven otherwise, an elective choice. Aiming to reduce it to a system of authorisation is not only preemptory but totally illegal. When declaring the choice of home education, the role of the Director of the Academy of the National Education Department is simply to take note. And also to provide us with a receipt.
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