Home Education and Numbers Pulled from Nowhere: The Separatist Loto


9th December 2020

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Regardless of the life choices concerning home educated children we must, now more than ever, save the soldier Macron from any political setback.

Defamation, defamation and still there’s more.

Yesterday in Le Monde, Castex said, “In French law, the principal is compulsory schooling, a principal with assorted exceptions”. The Prime Minister is lying. Correction: “In French law, education is obligatory, not school”. A lie hammered out by the ministers still leaves a trace. During legislation, partial and one sided visions mount up and in the end, a climate of suspicion is created. This is known as ‘a priori’. Home education cannot avoid this mechanism. Since 1998 and Ségolène Royal at the Ministry of Education, the rhetoric used to stigmatise home education remains unchanged. At that time she said, “Every year, several thousand children escape the School of the Republic”. As though they were escapees, as though they were guilty of something. As if the freedom they enjoyed was not a justice they deserved. The vocabulary chosen tends towards a prison environment, which is the next step. At this time, she waved the red rag at the sectarian grip said to hold some 6000 children. That is all. La Miviludes (Mission Interministérielle de vigilance et de lutte contre les dérives sectaires) found no such trace.

In 2007, in the law on “Delinquency Prevention” proposed by a President for whom the prosecution requested 4 years imprisonment, 2 of which were suspended on the 8 December 2020, the so-called Administrative Inquiry from the Town Hall is extended to children enrolled in correspondance courses. The parallel drawn between correspondance courses and delinquency is insulting. Yet it is acceptable. This represents a mere minority within a minority.

In 2011, still at work, the government of President Sarkozy cause an uproar. They pushed for generalised registration of children from kindergarten age onward. It was to be used to identify ‘at risk’ children throughout their education. In face of the tumult it provoked, the bill was abandoned. A certain J-M Blanquer was the inspiration behind it.

With the Exception of 5000 Children…

Today, therefore, following the insulting shortcut in the Mureaux speech which moves from separatism to banning home education, as though a logical consequence to eradicate an evil, a new number is born, with this text is before the Council of Ministers. There are claimed to be 5000 children affected by cases of Radical Islamism. This figure is plucked from nowhere since the Conseil d’Ètat warned the government of the disproportion of the proposed law, the weakness of the Impact Study and especially the unconstitutional nature of such a liberticide measure. So the language elements propose 5000 children. Is that 5000 children in state school or 5000 in home education? It is a lot and creates a stir and is precise when we change the number of home education registered children, which goes from 50,000 in October to 62,000 in December 2020. It is surprising that before the Senate Enquiry Commission in June, J-M Blanquer under oath, said that radicalisation cases concerning home education were “exceptional”. Not a careless statement as the same was said in the Vademecum on the subject. Who to believe? The minister who is in the grip of a scandal with his ministry said to have created a fake union and used the apparatus of the state for partisan purposes. The judicial future will tell the tale. But for our children it matters little to us to be historically correct, we claim freedom as the immediate rule. Like Clémenceau, one of the most ardent defenders of Captain Alfred Dreyfus, who fought injustice draped in the reason of the state, we affirm: “If there were ever a conflict between the Republic and freedom, the Republic would be in the wrong”. Was the Tiger a separatist?

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