Joint Press Release


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Paris the 18th November 2020

Project to Ban Home Education (IEF) in France: an Unconstitutional Measure.

On the 2nd of October 2020, within the framework of the bill to strengthen secularism and the principals of the republic, the French president announced:

As of the return-to-school in 2021, schooling will be made compulsory for all from 3 years of age onwards. Home education will be strictly limited, specifically for health requirements”.

In France freedom of education, of which home education is a case in hand, is a constitutional right. At our request Bernard Fau, Esq., a lawyer of the Cour de Paris and member of the Conseil de l’Ordre, alerted the Conseil d’Etat (Council of State) to the unconstitutional nature of this measure.

Today we publish an interview with Bernard Fan, Esq., who explains in the video why “there is no doubt of the constitutional guarantee of the freedom of home education”. Six minutes of instructive video:

Signataires et contacts :

L’association LED’A (Les enfants d’abord)

Contact : libertedelinstructionlesenfantsdabordorg / +33689987526 ou +33670100140 ou +33608950100

L’association LAIA (Libres d’Apprendre et d’Instruire Autrement)

Contact : contactlaia-assofr / +336 99 33 89 96 ou +336 71 93 87 72 ou +336 95 95 55 26.

Le Collectif l’Ecole est la Maison (EELM)

Contact : Laurence Fournier – lecoleestlamaisongmailcom / +336 62 92 84 70.

Le Collectif FELICIA (Fédération pour la Liberté du Choix de l’Instruction et des Apprentissages)

Contact : Denis – pressefederation-feliciaorg / +336 19 10 37 88.

L’association CISE (Choisir d’instruire son enfant)

Contact : therese.pour.cisegmailcom / +336 84 94 66 28.

L’association UNIE (Union Nationale pour l’Instruction et lEpanouissement)

Contact : Armelle – unie.associationgmailcom / +337 68 47 76 40.

1- Lire aussi notre communiqué de presse du 5 novembre 2020 : « Projet d’interdiction de l’instruction en famille (IEF) : les associations alertent le Conseil d’État »

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